Dark grape is recently getting a lot of buzz because it is said this variety can help burn fat more effectively. It also helps in reducing fatty acid production, thanks to its active compound. However, this does not mean you should start drinking a bottle of red wine to see the benefits. A new research suggests that you should consume foods that contain high levels of the compound to control obesity and metabolic disorders.

What is This Active Compound?

The dark grape in spotlight is known as the muscadine grape, which is a dark type of grape found in southeastern United States. This variety contains a number of nutrients and compounds that promote health, including polyphenols, which have antioxidants and can stop inflammation.

The active compound that helps dark grape and other fruits and vegetables to burn fat better is a type of polyphenol, known as ellagic acid. This acid is an antioxidant, which can also be found in plant foods, such as pomegranates and berries. The natural antioxidant can lower lipids, as discovered in a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. The study involved four other active compounds from dark grapes, but ellagic acid showed the best results. It slowed the multiplication of fat cells, while reducing the chances of the body to form those cells again. Ellagic acid also decreased fatty acid oxidation in the liver cells, so it easily increased metabolism rate.

Should You Eat Dark Grapes to Lose Weight?

Foods, such as dark grapes, which contain high amounts of ellagic acid, can increase fat burning process of the body, especially in the liver. This means that it is effective in helping the liver become more functional and healthy, which is a great help for those who are obese. However, scientists are still unsure as to whether or not the grape variety is the next best thing in losing weight. Based on the findings, the compound can improve metabolism, but it does not guarantee improvement of body weight.

Still, you can add dark grapes to your diet, especially if you are trying to lose weight. This is because it can reduce harmful fat accumulation in the liver and boost your body’s fat burning ability. Although additional research is necessary to determine whether dark grapes can help you lose weight, they can definitely aid you in your diet plan. With high fiber and low calorie content, these grapes are a healthy snack to grab when you go hungry.