The blood glucose level, blood sugar concentration or blood sugar range is the average concentration of blood glucose in humans and other mammals


Glucose is an easy sugar to digest and about 4 grams of glucose can be found in a seventy-kilogram body of an average human. Glucose also helps the body utilize other fuel and is required for the regulation of human energy intake.


Blood sugar levels can be very high and low depending on many factors, including stress and diet, which can cause your blood glucose levels to rise or fall sharply. Blood glucose levels differ from person to person depending on the type of food they eat, the amount of exercise they do, and their genetic makeup. If you have diabetes, it can be difficult to predict exactly how much glucose will be in your bloodstream. You may also need to adjust your daily diet if you have diabetes to avoid spikes and falls in your blood glucose levels too often.


Under no circumstances should blood sugar be used as a substitute for good health. A healthy, well-balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean protein is your best defense against diabetes and related complications. A healthy, low-fat diet is also a good way to maintain normal blood glucose levels. A balanced diet of these foods, combined with the use of insulin, can help control blood sugar and keep you healthy.


While it can be difficult to keep track of your blood glucose level continuously, a rough estimate can help you stay on target and prevent unexpected spikes and falls. You can easily get a free blood test kit online, along with instructions on how to calculate your glucose range and what foods to include in your diet.


Some people have higher blood glucose levels than others. There are many reasons for this variation, but there are usually two main risk factors: heredity and obesity. If your parents have been diagnosed with diabetes and have had to deal with high blood glucose problems, you have genes that can make it difficult to control the condition. Also, if you are overweight, chances are high that you have some form of obesity.


High blood glucose levels are dangerous, even if they are moderately high. The risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure increases with an increase in blood glucose levels. Therefore, you should regularly monitor your glucose levels and be aware of any underlying health conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, that may be causing high glucose levels. If you suspect you have diabetes, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about testing for diabetes.


Low blood glucose, which is called hypoglycemia, may occur because your blood glucose levels go too low. In such cases, the body doesn't produce enough insulin to maintain the normal levels. This can lead to serious medical complications and even life-threatening diseases such as blindness or heart attack. To treat hypoglycemia, your doctor may recommend a long-term medication regimen. Your blood glucose may be lower than normal during a rapid weight loss or extreme diet, so doctors may want to monitor the levels closely.


If you feel like your blood glucose range is going too low, you should always take the proper precautions by eating correctly and exercising regularly. To help prevent this from happening, it may be helpful to start taking medications as soon as possible. Your doctor may prescribe a blood pressure medication or insulin to regulate your glucose.


If you are overweight, your doctor may recommend you lose a lot of weight in order to lower your risk of developing diabetes, high blood glucose or even heart disease, stroke or kidney disease. When your body loses a lot of excess weight, it takes longer to process food and metabolize glucose. A lower body mass index can also mean that your sugar levels stay at a more manageable level and your blood glucose range stays more normal.


If you are a diabetic, you need to follow a diet with carbohydrates restricted to three portions of breads, cereals or pasta per day. Sugary foods, such as candy, chocolate or fudge, should also be cut out of your diet plan. Your diet should consist primarily of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.


Keeping your blood glucose range in the healthy range is one of the first steps to maintaining good health. As with any other type of medicine, do not start any new diet unless you are told by your doctor to do so. If you don't follow the right diet, you can end up putting yourself at even greater risk by causing or worsening your condition. If you are already taking a medication to treat your condition, you need to start slowly and make sure you get the advice of your doctor or pharmacist before you begin any new regimen.

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